Skills session signup

Sign up to Clinical Sessions


 Keen to take part in beside tutorials and skills teachings. The NPMT have an online booking system to allow JMOs to teach medical students at the Central Coast (including Gosford and Wyong Hospital). The system will be updated regularly with more sessions as they become available.

Link to Book Sessions

How to use the system:

  1. The main page is the direct booking page - chose which class/activity you are happy to help out with and choose a date and time. This will send you an email and calender invite to add to your phone. You will also get a reminder 24 hour before the class as well.

  2. If you click on the left sided-menu there will be two options: the main page called “Book Student Sessions” and “Student Sessions”. The Student sessions tab has the outline of the dates on offer and the description of the class/topics. You can also directly book from this page.