Formal Education

Educating Educators

 Formal education opportunities

A disclaimer: We cannot hope to have covered all possible education opportunities formally available to medical educators nationwide or worldwide. Below is a sample of those our local educations provided to us when asked on the topic. If you know of others that other medical educators would benefit from knowing let us know and we’ll add them in. We hope this guide provides some useful ideas but does not supplant your own rigorous research.

Short courses:

  1. Simulation training:

  2. Teaching on the run

  3. University of Newcastle (Academy of Clinical Educators - ACE) and associated Certificate in Clinical Teaching and supervision

  4. AMEE (The international association for health professionals education) certified course for entry level teaching qualifications -

Masters in Education:

Still to be updated….


  1. AMEE Conference

  2. Ottowa Conference

  3. Canadian Conference of Medical Education

  4. ANZ Prevocational Medical Education Forum

  5. ICME International conference on medical education


  7. ASME Regular Conference

  8. CAME

  9. AAMC

  10. AoME

 Still to come… A debate between our own local educators regarding the merits of pursuing more formal university training in education vs course and experience based development.