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1. Medical Teacher – the journal of AMEE an international association for all involved with medical and healthcare professional education.
2. The BEME collaboration - - Best evident medical education collaboration
3. Academic medicine
4. Medical Education
5. Teaching and Learning in Medicine
6. Canadian Medical Education Journal
7. The Clinical Teacher
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Key articles in NPMT
NB: Want to know how to access these articles? If you are an interested, active and motivated teacher becoming a conjoint to a university can provide not only recognition of your involvement but also access to resources such as journal subscriptions.
Sonagara VJ, Santhirakumaran S, Kalkat HS. The value of near-peer teaching in the medical curriculum. Adv Med Educ Pract. 2018;9:63–64. Published 2018 Jan 22. doi:10.2147/AMEP.S153240
Engels D, Kraus E, Obirei B, Dethleffsen K. “Peer teaching beyond the formal medical curriculum.” Advances in physiology education 42 3 (2018): 439-448 .
Haupt T, Dow T, Smyth M, Roberts A, , et al. 2019, '12 Tips for taking a Student Led Medical Education Program from Concept to Curriculum ', MedEdPublish, 8, [3], 41,
Blank, W. A., Blankenfeld, H., Vogelmann, R., Linde, K., & Schneider, A. (2013). Can near-peer medical students effectively teach a new curriculum in physical examination? BMC Medical Education, 13(1), 165.
Hartford, W., Nimmon, L., & Stenfors, T. (2017). Frontline learning of medical teaching: “you pick up as you go through work and practice.” BMC Medical Education, 17(1), 171.
Rashid, M. S., Sobowale, O., & Gore, D. (2011). A near-peer teaching program designed, developed and delivered exclusively by recent medical graduates for final year medical students sitting the final objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). BMC Medical Education, 11(1), 11.
Musbahi A, Sharpe A, Straughan R, Ong S, Alhaddabi A, Reddy A. A near-peer regional surgical teaching programme designed by medical students, delivered by junior doctors. Med Educ Online. 2019;24(1):1583969. doi:10.1080/10872981.2019.1583969
Border S, Parton W, Myers M, Matthew A, Elmansouri A, Harrison C et all. (2017). Ten considerations for implementing effective and sustainable near-peer teaching in clinical anatomy education. MedEdPublish. 6. 10.15694/mep.2017.000087.
Hall, S. , Harrison, C. H., Stephens, J. , Andrade, M. G., Seaby, E. G., Parton, W. , McElligott, S. , Myers, M. A., Elmansouri, A. , Ahn, M. , Parrott, R. , Smith, C. F. and Border, S. (2018), The benefits of being a near‐peer teacher. Clin Teach, 15: 403-407. doi:10.1111/tct.12784
Medveczky D, Mitchell A, Leopardi E, Dawson A. Benefits of a near-peer program from the tutors' perspective: a survey of Australian junior doctors in a regional teaching program. BMC Med Educ. 2025 Feb 27;25(1):318. doi: 10.1186/s12909-025-06762-2.
Murugananthan K, Chia D, Mitchell A, Dawson A, 'Near Peer Medical Teaching Program', (2023)
Articles in Teaching theory:
Beigzadeh A, Adibi P, Bahaadinbeigy K, Yamani N. Strategies for teaching in clinical rounds: A systematic review of the literature. J Res Med Sci 2019;24:33.
David C. M. Taylor & Hossam Hamdy (2013) Adult learning theories: Implications for learning and teaching in medical education: AMEE Guide No. 83, Medical Teacher, 35:11, e1561-e1572, DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2013.828153
Irby, D. M., & Wilkerson, L. (2008). Teaching when time is limited. BMJ, 336(7640), 384–387.