The Primary Survey is an important part of the initial assessment of the unwell patient. It was developed for use in the context of major trauma, however the principles of the primary survey teach us to address issues in the order of what is most immediately life threatening, starting from airway, then breathing, then circulation etc. It literally is as easy as your ABCs!
Once the patient has been stabilised from a primary survey, we can then move on to secondary and tertiary surveys to make sure we haven’t missed anything. A broken pinky is definitely a problem, but it might be the least of their problems.
Content Contributors:
Author: dr Joshua Chambers
Content approval: Dr Hemal Patel
Editor: Vivian Lin
Version History
Verison 1: May 2024
It requires 30 minutes preparation.
It can be taught in 60mins - 1.5 hour
Preparation materials: Learning curriculum
Teaching approach
As with all modules, familiarise yourself with the NPMT principles.
The session’s learning objectives include:
1. Recognise the deteriorating patient
2. Demonstrate a structured approach to the deteriorating patient
3. Perform basic airway skills including jaw thrust, insertion of oropharyngeal airway, bag-mask
ventilation and insertion of supra-glottic airway
Download resources:
Other Resources
Life in the fast line: Initial Trauma Assessment • LITFL